On the floor of the stomach are borne the conspicuous gonads (ov), and also tentacle-like processes termed gastric filaments or phacellae, projecting into the cavity of the stomach.
I, 93 (where it is stated that some (not Quintilian) preferred him to Tibullus), Ov.
He also has a mitre (q.v.), and carries a crozier (5ucavLs ov), a rather short staff ending in two curved branches decorated with serpents' heads, with a cross between them.
How otherwise are we to explain such Hebraisms (or Syriacisms) as Evui pEEC rb g Xacov E ct ro (§ 9), ov elir€v.
Taking this ideal limit as a theoretical or absolute zero, the value of H may be represented on the diagram by the whole area included between the two adiabatics BAZ, CDZ' down to the points where they intersect the isothermal of absolute zero, or the zero isopiestic OV asymptotically at infinity.