The Oriental poppy (P. orientale) and its several varieties are fine garden plants, having huge bright crimson flowers with black blotches at the base.
The salmon pink oriental poppy has a lovely dark center, which is mirrored by the black leaved geranium.
The perennial Oriental poppy as well as the annual common poppy can turn any garden into a colorful display.
In summer, it has pretty bright yellow flowers. £ 3.75 (Papaver orientalis) Oriental poppy A hardy perennial poppy.
There are various herbaceous plants which may be similarly treated, such as sea-kale and horseradish, and, among ornamental plants, the beautiful autumn-blooming Anemone japonica, Bocconia cordata, Dictamnus Fraxinella - the burning bush; the sea hollies (Eryngium), the globe thistle (Echinops ritro), the Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale), the sea lavender (Statice latifolia), Senecio pulcher, &c. The sea-kale and horseradish require to be treated in the open garden, where the cut portions should be planted in lines in wellworked soil; but the roots of the others should be planted in pots and kept in a close frame with a little warmth till the young shoots have started.