The promontory itself consisted of two parts - the hill of Munychia, and the projection of Acte; on the opposite side of the great harbour was the outwork of Eetioneia.
On the opposite side of Betanzos Bay (the p yas Acµl i v or Portus Magnus of the ancients) is the great port of Corunna or Coruna.
The appendage carrying the gill-book stands out on the surface of the body in Limulus, and has other portions developed besides the gill-book and its base; it is fused with its fellow of the opposite side On the other hand, in Scorpio, the gill-book-bearing apFIG.
It is decorated with diamond or steel-point etching, and bears on one side the date 1586, and on the opposite side the words " In God is al mi trust."
In 1803 Hamilton was made the county-seat; in 1810 it was incorporated as a village; in 1854 it annexed the town of Rossville on the opposite side of the river; and in 1857 it was made a city.