In some places at present "they neuerseuertheir lambes from their dammes "; " and the poore of the peeke (high) countreye, and such other places, where, as they vse to mylke theyr ewes, they vse to wayne theyr lambes at 12 weekes olde, and to mylke their ewes flue or syxe weekes "; but that, he observes, " is greate hurte to the ewes, and wyll cause them that they wyll not take the ramme at the tyme of the yere for pouertye, but goo barreyne."
Food is served in the Stove Restaurant where the wooden beams and red brick create an olde worlde atmosphere.
They retain much of the olde world charm you would expect from that era.
While most properties within the group have an olde worlde charm, neither of them feels outdated or stuffy.
In Iune the bayte that breedeth in an olde fallen oke, and the great canker.