They were also called Bonin Jima (corrupted by foreigners into Bonin) because of their being without (bu) inhabitants (nin).
Manganese may be estimated quantitatively by precipitation as carbonate, this salt being then converted into the oxide, Mn 3 0 4 by ignition; or by precipitation as hydrated dioxide by means of ammonia and bromine water, followed by ignition to NIn 3 0 4.
To be fair tho, I think NIN, The Offspring or Rammstien would be big enough headliners if Tool can do it.
For example, Anais Nin is well known for her writing about her affair with Henry Miller, but very little is talked about her relationships with women other than that they happened.
As a top designer for Paraphernalia, Betsy paved the way for her trademark styles that eventually led to her opening up a new boutique entitled Betsey Bunki Nin in 1969.