It was occupied continuously by the Spanish, Mexican and American governors of New Mexico until 1909, and houses the historical museum of the Historical Society of New Mexico (founded in 1859, incorporated in 1880), the School of American Archaeology and the New Mexico Museum of Archaeology.
In 1847 the first English newspaper in New Mexico was established at Santa Fe, and an English school was founded in 1848.
S.E., Santa Fe, officially the Villa Real de Santa Fe de San Francisco, was founded on the site of a deserted Indian pueblo and became the seat of the government of New Mexico.
Peccaries,which range from New Mexico and Texas to Patagonia, are represented by two main types, of which the first is the collared peccary, Dicotyles (or Tagassu) tajacu, which has an extensive range in South America.
It admitted California as a free state, organized Utah and New Mexico as Territories without reference to slavery, and enacted a more efficient fugitive slave law.