As she nears her 20th birthday, I find myself wondering where the time went.
This allows automatic changes to the fund portfolio, reflecting a less volatile mix of investments as the client nears retirement.
In West Africa the Mpongwe believe in local spirits, just as do the Eskimo; but they are regarded as inoffensive in the main; true, the passerby must make some trifling offering as he nears their place of abode; but it is only occasionally that mischievous acts, such as the throwing down of a tree on a passer-by, are, in the view of the natives, perpetuated by the Ombuiri.
As the date of birth nears, most expectant parents may feel slightly overwhelmed at all of the last minute preparations that need to be completed.
While many of these classes prepare women for natural childbirth, there are a lot of other classes that simply prepare women for what will occur as the due date nears and the delivery of their baby begins.