In the 3rd century this love of mystification reached the pitch of hiding even the gospels from the unclean eyes of pagans.
Meanwhile the party was getting more and more disorganized, and the public were getting tired of the apparent mystification.
The revenues and expenditures have since then been calculated in gold and currency together, to the complete mystification of the average citizen, and the gold percentage of the duties on imports has been increased to 35 and 50% (in 1907), the higher rate to apply to specified articles and rule when exchange on London is above 14 pence per milreis, and the lower when it is below.
In addition to direct control by those who have specialized skills, there is a lot of mystification of those skills.
Voltaire published his Le Cafe, ou l'Ecossaise (1760), Londres (really Geneva), as a translation from the work of Mr Hume, described as Pasteur de l'eglise d'Edimbourg, but Home seems to have taken no notice of the mystification.