Under the head of "oxidable or acidifiable" substances, the combination of which with oxygen yielded acids, were placed sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, and the muriatic, fluoric and boracic radicles.
Manufacture of Hydrochloric Acid (commercially also known as " muriatic acid ").
Berthollet, regarding it as being a compound of hydrochloric acid and oxygen, termed it oxygenized muriatic acid.
Among the substances of which he investigated the composition were ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen and prussic acid, and his experiments on chlorine, which he regarded, not as an element, but as oxygenated muriatic (oxymuriatic) acid, led him to propose it as a bleaching agent in 1785.
It is not good to use muriatic acid on a DE filter and then just rinse it off and put it away.