Moxa Definition
A cone or cylinder prepared from the dried leaves of certain plants, especially mugwort, placed on the skin and ignited in order to produce counterirritation.
American Heritage Medicine
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) used as a cauterizing agent or counterirritant in moxibustion.
Webster's New World
Other Word Forms of Moxa
moxasOrigin of Moxa
From Chinese 艾 (mogusa, “mugwort"). It is also used in Japanese with u not strongly pronounced, leading to its disappearance and the devoicing of the plosive. First used by Hermann Buschoff, a Dutch minister in Batavia, who wrote the first book about this remedy in 1674.
From Wiktionary
Japanese mogusa moeru to burn kusa herb
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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