A copy of the Orit or Mosaic law is kept in the holy of holies in every synagogue.
The town was governed largely after the Mosaic law and continued essentially Puritan for fifty years or more; about 1730 Presbyterianism superseded Congregationalism, and in 1734 Colonel Josiah Ogden, having caused a schism in the preceding year, by saving his wheat one dry Sunday in a wet season, founded with several followers the first Episcopal or Church of England Society in Newark - Trinity Church.
This violation of the Mosaic law and his continued cruelty roused the Jews, who complained to Augustus.
The Mosaic Law was respected, but Hellenism still found an entrance in various forms. The first Hasmonaean " king," Aristobulus I.
His temporary success reveals the strength of the party who wished to adopt the Greek way of life without consenting to the complete substitution of the authority of Antiochus for the prescriptions of the Mosaic Law.