It arose from the fact that as early as May 1887 the German physicians recognized the presence of cancer in the throat, but Sir Morell Mackenzie, the English specialist who was also consulted, disputed the correctness of this diagnosis, and advised that the operation for removal of the larynx, which they had recommended, should not be undertaken.
The editio princeps is that of Turnebus (Paris, 1 553); it was followed by that of Morell, with Latin translation by Petavius (1612; greatly enlarged and improved, 1633; reprinted, inaccurately, by Migne, 1859).
It was when manager Morell Maison sent on Dean Chapman for Dikes to bolster the midfield that the Robins resumed control.
Manager Morell Maison was left feeling a little sad, although he is still upbeat about the future.