In, taking this step the Modenese and Romagnols had the encouragement of Bonaparte, despite the orders which the French directory sent to him in a contrary sense.
C. Farini was chosen dictator, and 4000 Modenese joined the allies.
When on the outbreak of the war of 1859 Francis V., duke of Modena, was expelled and a provisional government set up, Farini was sent as Piedmontese commissioner to that city; but although recalled after the peace of Villafranca he was determined on the annexation of central Italy to Piedmont and remained behind, becoming a Modenese citizen and dictator of the state.
Tiraboschi wrote besides Biblioteca modenese (6 vols., 1781-1786); Notizie de' pittori, scultori, incisori, ed architetti modenesi (1786); Memorie storiche modenesi (5 vols., 1793--1794), and many minor works.