The executive consists of a responsible ministry (Gesammt Ministerium), with the six departments of justice, finance, home affairs, war, public worship and education, and foreign affairs.
As soon as these laws had been carried (December 1867), Beust retired from the post of minister-president; and in accordance with constitutional practice a parliament ary ministry was appointed entirely from the ranks Burger of the Liberal majority; a ministry generally known Minis - as the " Burger Ministerium " in which Giskra and terium.
Hohenwart resigned, but at the same time Beust was dismissed, and a new cabinet was chosen once more from among the German Liberals, under the leadership of Prince Adolf Auersperg, whose brother Carlos had been one of the chief members in the Burger Ministerium.
They began as had the Burger Ministerium, with a vigorous Liberal centralizing policy.