The second was the nomination of Dr Miguel Juarez Celman for the presidential term commencing in October 1886.
In 1903, after the census had been taken, San Ildefonso (pop. 5326) was annexed to San Miguel.
The San Miguel river, which flows near, affords a means of transportation, and the town has considerable commerce.
There is more vegetation on this coast, and the bays of Chetumal, Espiritu Santo, Ascencion and San Miguel (on Cozumel Island) afford good protection for shipping.
The gloom and harshness of these Spanish mystics are absent from the tender, contemplative spirit of Francois de Sales (1567-1622); and in the quietism Fof Mme Guyon (1648-1717) and Miguel de Molinos (1627-1696) there is again a sufficient implication of mystical doctrine to rouse the suspicion of the ecclesiastical authorities.