Darnley was esteemed handsome, though his portraits give an opposite impression; his native qualities of cowardice, perfidy, profligacy and overweening arrogance were at first concealed, and in mid April 1565 Lethington was sent to London, not to renew the negotiations with Leicester (as had been designed till the 31st of March), but to announce Mary's intended wedding with her cousin.
This unique pilot project will employ six trainees commencing mid April and is supported by the Skillset Film Skills Fund and Film London.
The pre-monsoon (mid-April to early June) is stifling at lower elevations, and dusty wind squalls are common.
From mid October to mid April we are on standby to deal with the effects of winter weather on Kent 's roads.
Asda 's decision to appeal coincides with the GMB announcement that a national strike ballot will start in mid April.