Mesentery Definition
mĕzən-tĕrē, mĕs-
A supporting membrane or membranes enfolding some internal organ and attaching it either to the body wall or to another organ; esp., a double thickness of the peritoneum enfolding most of the small intestine and attaching it to the spinal wall of the abdominal cavity.
Webster's New World
Other Word Forms of Mesentery
mesenteriesOrigin of Mesentery
Middle English mesenterie from Medieval Latin mesenterium from Greek mesenterion meso- meso- enterion diminutive of enteron entrails en in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Ancient Greek μέσος (mesos, “middle") + ἔντερον (enteron, “gut")
From Wiktionary
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