The general ordered a bombardment of the town for two days, destroying a number of houses and large quantities of merchandize.
It became a depot for all merchandize brought from the south-east, and even English merchants established;warehouses there.
In 1363, in answer to a remonstrance against the mischief caused by "the merchants called grocers who engrossed all manner of merchandize vendable, and who suddenly raised the prices of such merchandize within the realm," it was enacted "that all artificers and people of mysteries shall each choose his own mystery 1 before next Candlemas, and that, having so chosen it, he shall henceforth use no other."
A Bill for granting to their Majesties certain additional impositions upon Merchandize, was read the Second time.
Russian merchandize is landed there and forwarded to Azerbáiján and Tabriz via Ardebil.