There is no reason to doubt that some such visit was made about the year 315, when the death of Maximin Daza left Constantine supreme.
Under Tiberius mention is made of Treballia in Moesia, and the Emperor Maximin (2 35237) had been commander of a squadron of Triballi.
It is the object of an ancient and famous pilgrimage due to the tradition that Mary, sister of the Virgin, and Mary, mother of James and John, together with their black servant Sara, Lazarus, Martha, Mary Magdalen and St Maximin fled thither to escape persecution in Judaea.
In the south of France he worked hard for the Jacobinical cause, and figured as "Brutus" in the Jacobin club of the small town of St Maximin (then renamed Marathon).
The coup d'etat of Thermidor (July 28, 1794) compelled the young disciple of Robespierre hurriedly to leave St Maximin, and to accept a small post at St Chamans.