Parkersburg is served by the Baltimore & Ohio, the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern, and the Little Kanawha railways, by electric railway to Marietta, Ohio, and by passenger and freight boats to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, intermediate ports, and ports on the Little Kanawha.
At Marietta, for example, it is 42.1 in., but at Toledo it is only 30 8 in.
The Ohio Company founded Marietta at the mouth of the Muskingum in 1788, and this is regarded as the oldest permanent settlement in the state.
The first Territorial government was established at Marietta in October 1787, and General Arthur St Clair (1734-1818), the governor, arrived in the summer of 1788.
After the battles around Marietta, and the crossing of the Chattahoochee river on the 8th and 9th of July, Sherman continued his advance against Atlanta.