The " wild-cat " wells, sunk by speculators on untested territory or on lands which had not previously proved productive, played an important part in the earlier mapping out of the petroleum fields.
In the later mapping out of the empire into purely military divisions, the theme (O a) of Sicily took in both the island and the nearest peninsula of the mainland, the oldest Italy.
By a skilful division of labour, and by the erection of numerous observing stations, the mapping out of the whole coast proceeded simultaneously under the eye of the general director, and in addition a vast mass of magnetic and meteorological observations was collected.
It is first of all a system of complete rationalism; it is assumed, in other words, that reason is capable of mapping out the whole system of things.
First and foremost, dance step graphics often come in the old fashioned form of black and white footprints mapping out the various maneuvers of social dance.