In the mid-70s, the now legendary Farrah Fawcett poster graced many a young man's bedroom wall.
But then, many a man didn't want children until he had them.
A sect of Sabbataeans - the Dormeh of Salonica - survived him, and for many a long year the controversy for and against his claims left an echo in Jewish life.
The early Christian Fathers recorded many a valuable observation of the Gentile faiths around them from varying points of view, sympathetic or hostile; and Eusebius and Epiphanius, in the 4th century A.D., attributed to the librarian of Ptolemy Philad.elphus the design of collecting the sacred books of the Ethiopians, Indians, Persians, Elamites, Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans, Phoenicians, Syrians and Greeks.
Tiedemann, 2 the Heidelberg anatomist, who has been generally ignored, although he surpassed many a recent zoogeographer by the wide view he took of the problem; in fact he was the first to connect distribution with environmental or bionomic factors; e.g.