Adoption had to be with consent of the real parents, who usually executed a deed making over the child, who thus ceased to have any claim upon them.
In addition to an initial endowment by the state, part of the annual income of the fund is furnished in various forms by the state (principally by making over a proportion of the profits of the Post Office Savings Bank), and part by the premiums of the workmen.
Such a "ground-log" indicates the actual speed over the ground, and in addition, when the log-line is being hauled in, it will show the real course the ship is making over the ground.
Ismail also obtained (July 1875) a firman from the sultan of Turkey making over Zaila to Egypt in return for an increase of £15,000 yearly to the tribute paid to the Porte.
This they did on the condition that Umtonga's life was spared, and in 1861 Panda signed a deed making over the land to the Boers.