All matters affecting the community are discussed in the majlis or assembly, to which any tribesman has access; here, too, are brought the tribesmen's causes; both sides plead and judgment is given impartially, the loser is fined so many head of small cattle or camels, which he must pay or go into exile.
The Majlis was duly elected, and was opened by the shah in person on the 7th of October 1006.
The Revolution.On the 12th of November the shah visited the Majlis, and repeated his pledge, but during December a riot in Teheran developed into a political crisis, in which the shahs troops were employed against the civil population.
The Majlis issued a manifesto to the powers, declaring that the shah intended to overthrow the constitution, and demanding intervention.
Two persons were killed, but the shah was unhurt, and the Majlis formally congratulated him on his escape.