Edinburgh, printed by Robert Walde-grave, printer to the King's Majestie, 1 593.
In the register of the privy council of Scotland, April 14, 1608, it is ordered that "the haill houssis of defence, strongholds, and crannokis in the Yllis (the western isles) pertaining to Angus M`Conneill of Dunnyvaig and Hector M'Cloyne of Dowart sal be delyverit to His Majestie."
Majestie to stablysh Christen quietness " (1536), together with the " Injunctions " of 1536 and 1538, are chiefly noteworthy for their affirmation of almost all the current doctrines of the Catholic Church, except those relating to the papal supremacy, purgatory, images, relics and pilgrimages, and the old rooted distrust of the Bible in the vernacular.