The 29th January 2006 is Chinese New Year, The Chinese use the lunar calendar for Chinese festivals.
The system of intercalation in the lunar calendar of the heathen Arabs was designed to secure that the feast should always fall at the time when the hides, fruits and other merchandise were ready for market, 4 and the Meccans, who knew how to attract the Bedouins by hospitality, bought up these wares in exchange for imported goods, and so became the leaders of the international trade of Arabia.
In addition to the possibility of using a Chinese lunar calendar to predict the sex of a baby once a woman becomes pregnant, some women use the calendar or Chinese birth chart to possibly increase their odds of conceiving a boy or a girl.
The jury is still out on whether timing intercourse around ovulation or following the Chinese lunar calendar will really increase your chances of having a girl.
In addition, most people do not use their lunar age or the lunar calendar to get accurate results.