In the Civil War Ohio loyally supported the Union, furnishing 319,659 men for the army.
Their origin, their previous crimes or virtues, their avarice or brutality, were indifferent to him so long as they served him loyally.
The Argentine government, though disappointed at the result, accepted the award loyally.
Sagasta loyally furnished the queen with a constitutional pretext for carrying out her desire, and tendered the resignation of the whole cabinet, so that Her Majesty might consult, as usual, the party leaders and generals on the grave question of the expediency of entrusting to new ministers or to the Liberals the mission of testing the new electoral system.
When Mr Arthur Balfour succeeded Lord Salisbury as prime minister in July 1902, Mr Chamberlain agreed to serve loyally under him, and the friendship between the two leaders was indeed one of the most marked features of the political situation.