It roused one of the fits of wild rage to which he was not unfrequently liable; he burst out into ejaculations of wrath, and cursed the cowardly idle servants who suffered their master to be made the laughing-stock of a low-born priest.
We see at Athens strong signs of social distinctions, even at a late period of the democracy; we see that, though the people might be led by the low-born demagogue - using that word in its strict and not necessarily dishonourable meaning - their votes most commonly fell on men of ancient descent.
In her son's lifetime she had, for his sake, condoned the mesalliance, but it was impossible for the stately chatelaine and her low-born daughterin-law to live in peace under the same roof.
We see that men of birth and wealth often allowed themselves a strange licence in dealing with their low-born fellow-citizens.
The antithesis is not exact; we expect either "boy and mature man" or "low-born and high-born."