It may seem like a frivolous thing, but in the long-run it saves you money.
It cried Crusade when there was no Crusade; and the long Crusade against the Hohenstaufen, if it gave the papacy an apparent victory, only served in the long run to lower its a It is difficult to decide how far Arabic models influenced ecclesiastical architecture in the West as a result of the Crusades.
Avoid using commercial mouthwashes; these can make the problem worse in the long run.
Now dead animal substance and the excreta of animals decompose in the long run into carbonic acid, water and mineral salts, and so there is a continual destruction of animal substance both on the land and in the sea.
Hence if the system be started from rest in a configuration for which V is less than in the equilibrium configuration considered, this quantity must sUll further decrease (since T cannot be negative), and it is evident that either the system will finally come to rest in some other equilibrium configuration, or V will in the long run diminish indefinitely.