Between 1875, when the first lila was opened, and 1901, the length of the lines grew to 1890 m.
The literary results of these years cannot be compared with those of the preceding period; they are virtually limited to a few wonderful lyrics, such as Wanderers Nachtlied, An den Mond, Gesang der Geister fiber den Wassern, or ballads, such as Der Erlkonig, a charming little drama, Die Geschwister (1776), in which the poet's relations to both Lili and Frau von Stein seem to be reflected, a dramatic satire, Der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit (1778), and a number of Singspiele, Lila (1777), Die Fischerin, Scherz, List and Rache, and Jery and Beitely (1780).
Perhaps because Lila was so ill-defined the first time around, it's possible for Moore to bring her own baggage.
Lee began as Lila Quartermaine in 1978 and was a beloved feature of the show until her death in 2004.
She was soon hired to play, the daughter of Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone in Cold Creek Manor (2003), and to play Lila in Undertow (2004) opposite Dermot Mulroney, Josh Lucas and Jamie Bell.