If, however, cost within reasonable limits is a secondary consideration and the intention is to build a line adapted for express trains and for the carriage of the largest volume of traffic with speed and economy, he will lean towards the second.
It can be shown, for example, that for masonry having a density of 3, water being 1, the figure of minimum section is a right-angled triangle, with the water against its vertical face; while for a greater density the water face must lean towards the water, and for a less density away from the water, so that the water may lie upon it.
On the north the greater number of the overfolds lean towards the north, while on the south they lean towards the south.
American Traditional-You can lean towards a simple, American traditional style, choosing dark woods and adding dark, rich colors to throw pillows, paint, and accessories.
Whether you lean towards the functional or the fashionable, any style of headboard helps make a bedroom look pulled together and complete.