Enjoy soaring above the famous arch at land's end.
On the 16th of August he had an encounter off Plymouth with Ayscue, whom he worsted, and then cruised at the Land's End.
Staffordshire, the diorites of Warwickshire, the phonolite of the Wolf Rock (to which he first directed attention), the pitchstones of Arran and the altered igneous rocks near the Land's End were investigated and described by him during the years1869-1879in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society and in the Geological Magazine.
Pytheas's notice of the depth of the Bay of Biscay, of the length of the projection of Brittany, of Ushant under the name of Uxisama, and of three promontories of Britain, two of which seem to correspond to Land's End (Beler'ion), and North Foreland (Kantion), must not be forgotten.
The Land's End is the westernmost of the granite masses which rise at intervals through Cornwall from Dartmoor.