His wife Melite, who was associated with him in the priestly office, was a kinswoman of Eunapius the biographer.
Eminent among the novelists of this generation were Nemcova, a good observer of social conditions who reproduced in her works the charm of Bohemian peasant life; her kinswoman Svetla, Arbes and Zeyer.
Tristan and Iseult set sail for Cornwall, Iseult accompanied by her waiting-woman, Brangaene (who, in some versions, is also a kinswoman), to whose care the queen, skilled in magic arts, confides a love-potion.
On Barbara's death three years later without male offspring, Sigismund (in April 1518) gave his hand to Bona Sforza, a kinswoman of the emperor and granddaughter of the king of Aragon, who came to him with a dowry of 200,000 ducats and the promise of an inheritance from her mother of half a million more which she never got.
He painted one portrait, it is said, at this time, that of Ginevra Benci, a kinswoman, perhaps sister, of a youth Giovanni di Amerigo Benci, who shared his passion for cosmographical studies; and probably began another, the famous "La Gioconda," which was only finished four years afterwards.