Keiretsu Definition
keiretsu, keiretsus
In Japan, an association of corporations joined by reciprocal shareholder arrangements or by agreements among the members to deal exclusively or preferentially among themselves.
Webster's New World
A network of businesses that own stakes in one another as a means of mutual security, especially in Japan, and usually including large manufacturers and their suppliers of raw materials and components.
American Heritage
Other Word Forms of Keiretsu
keiretsusOrigin of Keiretsu
From Japanese 系列 (けいれつ keiretsu), from Middle Chinese 繫 (ɣèj "attached") + 列 (ljet "set", "row") (compare Mandarin xìliè 系列 "series", "set").
From Wiktionary
Japanese series, affiliation kei system retsu row, line
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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