After several months of desperate fighting, Saigo and a small remnant of his followers made a swif t retreat to Kagoshima, and fell fighting (September 14) within sight of their homes.
They reached Kagoshima on the 15th of August 1 549, and remained in Japan until the 10th of November 1551.
KiOshiO the Bay of Kagoshima has historical interest, and on th west are the bays of Ariakeno-ura and Yatsushiro.
Some time elapsed before this example found followers, but ultimately a programme was elaborated and carried out having for its basis a grand trunk line extending the whole length of the main island from Aomori on the north to Shimonoseki on the south, a distance of 1153 m.; and a continuation of the same line throughout the length of the southern island of KiQshiO, from Moji on the northwhich lies on the opposite side of the strait from Shimonosekito Kagoshima on the south, a distance of 2323/4 m.; as well as a line from Moji to Nagasaki, a distance of 1631/8 m.