Jeer Definition
jeered, jeering, jeers
jeered, jeering, jeers
To make fun of (a person or thing) in a rude, sarcastic manner; mock; taunt; scoff (at)
Webster's New World
To speak or shout derisively; mock.
American Heritage
To abuse vocally; taunt.
Jeered the speaker off the stage.
American Heritage
A jeering cry or remark; sarcastic or derisive comment.
Webster's New World
(nautical, in the plural) An assemblage or combination of tackles, for hoisting or lowering the yards of a ship.
Origin of Jeer
Perhaps a corruption of cheer (“to salute with cheers”), taken in an ironical sense; or more probably from Dutch gekscheren (“to jeer”, literally “to shear the fool”), from gek (“a fool”) (see geck) + scheren (“to shear”) (see shear (verb)).
From Wiktionary
Origin unknown
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Compare gear.
From Wiktionary
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