These references are not necessarily inconsistent with JE; but they are probably based on an independent tradition.
In the 7th century B.C., during the reign of either Manasseh or Josiah, the narrative of " JE " was enlarged by the addition of the discourses of Deuteronomy.
That these are later than " JE," and even than Deut., is apparent-to mention but one featurefrom the more complex ritual and hierarchical organization which they exhibit.
Here, too, the strongly marked characteristics of P, or the Priestly Document, as opposed to JE, enable us to determine the extent of that document with comparative ease; but the absence, in some cases, of conclusive criteria prevents any final judgment as to the exact limits of the two strands which have been united in the composite JE.
This phrase is even stronger than je t'aime toujours.