The entocodon is to be regarded, therefore, not as primarily an ingrowth of ectoderm, but rather as an upgrowth of both bodylayers, in the form of a circular rim (IVa), representing the umbrellar margin; it is comparable to the bulging that forms the umbrella in the direct method of budding, but takes place before a manubrium is formed, and is greatly reduced in size, so as to become a little pit.
The name Ambrosia was also applied by Dioscorides and Pliny to certain herbs, and has been retained in modern botany for a genus of plants from which it has been extended to the group of dicotyledons called Ambrosiaceae, including Ambrosia, Xanthium and Iva, all annual herbaceous plants represented in America.
Kwyos EvXQ,plov oU E,7 J 7rral TO Q7rapriov, Kai Ev Ta l TEXEralS t301,Elro Iva Quoted by Lobeck, Aglaophamus, i.
All patients who underwent extended hepatectomy presented with stage IVA disease.
An IVA reflects favorably on an individual's financial responsibility by endeavoring to maximize the return to the creditors.