The soil, even with little culture, is exceedingly productive, owing to the abundance of water which irrigates and fertilizes it.
The railway from Jodhpur has been extended towards Bhatinda in the Punjab; on the northern border, the Ghaggar canal in the Punjab irrigates about 5000 acres.
The Lower Ganges canal, an extension of the original canal, has been in operation since 1878 and irrigates 830,000 acres.
Here are the headquarters of the Kistna canal system, which irrigates more than 500,000 acres, and also provides navigation throughout the delta.
On the steep sides of valleys the plan is easily and cheaply carried out, and where the whole course of the - water is not long the peculiar properties which give it value, though lessened, are not exhausted when it reaches that part of the meadow which it irrigates last.