Rumor has it, however, that the gold-leaf Moreau reproductions have rendered the book irretrievably unprofitable.
The Spanish rising of May - June 1808 ruined these plans irretrievably.
Broken in 1840 during the affair of Mehemet Ali the entente was patched up in 1841 by the Straits Convention and re-cemented by visits paid by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to the Château d'Eu in 1843 and 1845 and of Louis Philippe to Windsor in 1844, only to be irretrievably wrecked by the affair of the "Spanish marriages," a deliberate attempt to revive the traditional Bourbon policy of French predominance in Spain.
Their names slipped through his ears and vanished irretrievably into the ether of the room.
This means that it permits spouses to claim that the marriage is irretrievably broken without placing blame for the demise of the marriage on either one.