His systematic doctrines founded the so-called "natural history school"; but his real merit was that of the founder or introducer of a method.
He is commemorated by a statue, as is Sir Rowland Hill, the introducer of penny postage, who was born here in 1795.
He was appointed introducer of ambassadors on the 12th of October 1671, and it became notorious that whoever had a petition to present or a place to ask for must apply to him.
At Eleusis, Demeter was venerated as the introducer of all the blessings which agriculture brings in its train - fixed dwelling-places, civil order, marriage and a peaceful life; hence her name Thesmophoros, " the bringer of law and order," and the festival Thesmophoria.
Jean Nicolas Corvisart (1755-1821) has already been mentioned as the translator and introducer into France of Auenbrugger's work on percussion.