Lenton was connected up to this intercepting sewer in 1875.
The Indian contingent, on the south of the canal, cccoperated, intercepting the Egyptians at the canal bridge.
In the period that followed, the reign of Charlemagne and the later Carolingian age, continued necessities, military and civil, forced the kings to recognize these new institutions more fully, even when standing in a position between the government and the subject, intercepting the public duties of the latter.
The course of the rays in the meridional section is no longer symmetrical to the principal ray of the pencil; and on an intercepting plane there appears, instead of a luminous point, a patch of light, not symmetrical about a point, and often exhibiting a resemblance to a comet having its tail directed towards or away from the axis.
Wootton Creek therefore acts as a partial sediment sink, intercepting some of the eastward littoral drift, but allowing bypassing of the majority.