The inner core helps to maintain the moist environment optimal for wound healing.
If a piece of the outer tooth has chipped off, but the inner core (pulp) is undisturbed, the dentist may simply smooth the rough edges or replace the missing section with a small composite filling.
This natural rubber 1-inch inner core with a layer of fire-resistant natural wool keeps baby drier.
Another difficulty, the concealment of the inner core of copper which was seen as a thin red line when a cut edge was exposed, was met about 1784 by George Cadman, who adopted the practice of soldering on an edging, generally ornamented, of solid silver so as to cover the junction, and the presence of this is one of the trustworthy tests by which genuine Sheffield plate may be recognized.
Hair color opens the cuticle, damaging the inner core of the hair and creating a dry and lifeless surface.