Any bill proposed in the legislature or passed by it must be referred to popular vote before becoming law, if there is a referendum petition therefor signed by 10,000 voters; and a petition signed by 12,000 voters initiates new legislation.
In the second place, Isidore wishes to increase the strength and cohesion of the churches; he tries to give absolute stability to the diocese and the ecclesiastical province; he reinforces the rights of the bishop and his comprovincials, while he initiates a determined campaign against the chorepiscopi; finally, as the keystone of the arch he places the papacy.
In real life the initiates of this ancient oriental art use short poles with carefully sharpened scythes at each end.
Among the latter is chlorine monoxide, which initiates ozone destruction in the presence of sunlight.
The very recent progress in fabrication of high-Q polymer microcavities doped by semiconductor QDs actually initiates cavity quantum electrodynamics.