Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written.
Is it not inexcusable to give such an example to a daughter?
I delight in his lack of patience with everyone from students to politicians who demonstrate inexcusable ignorance, incompetence or obfuscation.
At the Kamo Festival, of course, such negligence is quite inexcusable.
In order, however, to impute the whole work to Anaximenes, Spengel took one of the most inexcusable steps ever taken in the history of scholarship. Without any manuscript authority he altered the very first words " three genera " (T pia -yin) into " two genera " (Suo -ybni), and omitted the words " one declamatory " (rO SE E7rLSEtKrucOv).