More than others he leads a second life in the spirit or intellect alongside of his life in the flesh - the life of knowledge beside the life of will.
Chupacabra photographs, along with anecdotal evidence make El Chupacabra an enticing mystery, but zoologists would need to actually find El Chupacabra in the flesh in order for this mysterious and frightening creature to be considered real.
The peculiar musky odour was perceived from a distance of a hundred yards; but according to Professor Nathoist there was no musky taste or smell in the flesh if the carcase were cleaned immediately the animals were killed.
The spores formed on the delicate grey mould are carried during the summer from one plant to another, thus spreading the disease, and also germinate in the soil where the fungus may remain passive during the winter producing a new crop of spores next spring, or sometimes attacking the scales of the bulbs forming small black hard bodies embedded in the flesh.
The Eucharist of the synoptists is rather a covenant or tie of communion between Jesus and the twelve, such as will cause his life to survive in them after he has been parted from them in the flesh.