Moreover, he has to govern in accordance with the Rule, and must endeavour, while enforcing discipline and implanting virtues, not to sadden or "overdrive" his monks, or give them cause for "just murmuring."
None but a scion of a priestly family could become a deacon, elder or bishop. Accordingly the primacy remained in the family of Gregory until about 374, when the king Pap or Bab murdered Nerses, who had been ordained by Eusebius of Caesarea (362-370) and was over-zealous in implanting in Armenia the canons about celibacy, marriage, fasting, hospices and monastic life which Basil had established in Cappadocia.
Brain waves can be measured by implanting a small radio transmitter device into a rat that sends data to an external recorder.
This will be achieved by implanting beads containing the relevant growth factors or pharmacological inhibitors of signaling pathways.
In addition to implanting microchips, veterinary surgeons can help to reunite lost, strayed or stolen pets through scanning for the microchips.