Of Sa`d-ud-Din's successors in the office of imperial historiographer the most remarkable for literary power is Na`ima.
We see the IMA quoting the fee range as between £ 500 and £ 1500 per day as rather alarmist.
On 8 March Dudley wrote off the maintenance arrears which had accrued under the defective IMA.
He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.
His imperfect signature to his confession of this date, consisting only of his Christian name and written in a faint and trembling hand, is probably a ghastly testimony to the severity of the torture ("per grad us ad ima") which James had ordered to be applied if he would not otherwise confess and the "gentler tortures" were unavailing, - a horrible practice unrecognized by the law of England, but usually employed and justified at this time in cases of treason to obtain information.