Ter-pill-05a ij iirooa toroKouvra, four - footed or legless Enaema which lay eggs (= Reptiles and Amphibia).
For the former class the generic name is Xgtwv, a word of Semitic origin, which denotes the Eastern origin of the garment; for the latter we find in Homer and early poetry irbrXos, in later times ij tnnov.
He supposed that in air Boyle's law holds in the extensions and compressions, or that p = kp, whence dp/dp = k = p/p. His value of the velocity in air is therefore U = iJ (p ip.) (Newton's formula).
The other changes are more recent and restricted to the provinces of iJ and Tsang.
But the interpretation of ij presented a difficulty - in fact the main difficulty of the whole investigation - and it is specially interesting to see how Hamilton attacked it.