But the ground which this thin line was to hold against three columns of the enemy was marshy and densely intersected by obstacles, and the corps was the best in the Grande Armee, while its leader was perhaps the ablest of all Napoleon's marshals.
If the empiricist denies the intellectual element in scientific knowledge, he must not claim absolute validity for his conclusions; but he may hold against the intuitionalist that absolute laws are impossible to the human intellect.
Stomping harder, he tried to plant the spikes, as if gravity would bow to so meager a hold against its forces.
As though to compensate for the loss of this means of defence, the mandibles are very powerful, and some of the bees construct tubular entrances to the nest with a series of constrictions easy to hold against an enemy.
It is believed that the ryots will eventually be able to secure, and to hold against all corners, the strong legal position which the Bengal Tenancy Act has given them.